News and Events at Create, Inc.

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  Creating Success

Our initial and primordial services rendered are that of transitional housing for the homeless. Men who have suffered a calamity of sorts and who are without any human or material resources, seek refuge at our alternative for traditional overcrowded shelters.

For openers Create House has increased the effectiveness of its Client Computer Room this quarterly by implementing two additional workstations in addition to an integrated printer system that allows all the computers to utilize one printer. In the process cable as well as dial-up internet access has been made available. Clients have been tutored in the basic fundamentals and consequently are presently able to increase their opportunities by broadening their prospects in submitting resumes. The upgrading in our computer room technology has assisted the clients immensely in retrieving responses from future prospective employers and in their research studies for those who are currently pursuing a much commendable higher education. Needless to say where applicable these accessibilities lend themselves to the cultivating and stimulation of the mind, enhancing marketability and lifting the morale and self-esteem of the valuable lives we service.

A former resident by the name of Rafael came by to express his appreciation on how much we have meant to him and his family. He left Create House in the year 2000 but not before we were able to bring about the reunion of his daughter which he had not seen for 11 years due to extenuating circumstances. Create was also instrumental in securing employment for Rafael by which he is still employed and presently holds the position of supervisor. He drove up in his new vehicle and simply wanted to extend his gratitude and further added that “Create House will always be his home and he bless the day he was introduced to us”.

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CREATE, Inc. Angelo Soto   


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